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lundi 06 février 2012


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Will there be any exhibits/booths set up prointmog the safer recreational uses of cannabis? I'm a medical user, but my main thing is I'd like to be able to consume cannabis recreationally legally. For me, pot is much safer than alcohol, and I'd like the right to use it legally instead of alcohol (which I don't use). Today's insane laws encourage people to use alcohol instead of pot, even though cannabis is the far more safer and benign product. One day, I'd like to be able to make the responsible, safer, less harmful choice to be able to legally use cannabis recreationally not just medically. Hopefully, legalization proponent SAFER will be represented at the convention, as Mason Tvert really has the right idea. Either way, I'll see you at the LA HempCon on both Saturday and Sunday. And sorry for this long post. Thanks.


, You won't want to go back that exact thought had just run gourthh my mind. That is SO beautiful, all the senses immediately go on ALERT. And to think of combining the dining, beauty, business experience and is no doubt a winning combination.I'm not sure this will be the year for me to attend, but this experience is going on MY LIST for sure.Great great idea, great job!Anita

descendit thorax

Spor has been my biggest influence in dance music. Since he started making music as Feed Me it’s really opened my ears to new possibilities in dance music.

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